
Interview de Aisles EN le 18/07/2016
Aisles’s guitarist, Germán Vergara, anwsers to Neoprog’s questions for the release Hawaii.

Jean-Christophe : Hi, how are you ? Thanks to take a break to answer our questions.

Germán : You're very welcome. We are very happy to be very close to releasing our fourth studio album. It's our pleasure to speak to you about it.


Jean-Christophe : You’re going to release Hawaii at end of july, a double concept album, a big challenge for the band ?

Germán : That's right, it's a very big challenge because it's our first double album and without any doubt our most ambitious work in the history of the band. It has more than 1 hour and 20 minutes of conceptual music and everything is set in the context of a very powerful story.

Jean-Christophe : You’re going to release Hawaii at end of july, a double concept album, a big challenge for the band ?

Germán : That's right, it's a very big challenge because it's our first double album and without any doubt our most ambitious work in the history of the band. It has more than 1 hour and 20 minutes of conceptual music and everything is set in the context of a very powerful story.

Jean-Christophe : Don’t you think it’s a little bit crazy to write a progressive concept album when most of the world listens to three minutes tracks of easy listening, pop or electro, all day ?

Germán : It is crazy, but that's the beauty of it, making music for the sake of music and the concept. I think in the end our fans will value this work because it's not intended to please the masses but it's our own way of telling a meaningful and emotive science fiction story.

Jean-Christophe : Could you tell us what Hawaii talks about ? Why this title ? It’s a science fiction story but is there a message inside ?

Germán : It's about a group of humans that were able to preserve the human race, part of its cultural legacy and part of the earth's species when the planet was completely destroyed. Hawaii is about those individuals that carried out this project in the face of the inevitable and had the courage and determination to make it possible. The reason for the title is something that the listener must find out as he flows with the story. That's part of the poetry of a story, not everything needs to be understood in a rational way.

Jean-Christophe : You’re a chilian band. Is it easy to play in Chili, is there a large audience for prog music ?

Germán : It's not easy at all, there is a considerable audience for Prog but being Chile a very small country we totally depend on a worldwide audience to keep doing what we are doing.

Jean-Christophe : Hawaii will be released in various formats, digital, CDs, vinyl, a large choice. Do you think analogic sound brings something special to your music, or the vinyl is it just a nice object for collection ?

Germán : Absolutely, vinyl is a format that has something truly special, it sounds different from the CD, there is more warmth in the sound. In the story of Hawaii there is a phonogram and a vinyl record involved, so how could Hawaii not have a vinyl version?... People will know at I mean when they listen to the album and read the story.

Jean-Christophe : Does south american music and culture take place in your writing, and how?

Germán : Probably, but in an unconscious way. In Hawaii we didn't set out to write music about our culture but about humanity, I think that's what makes this record so special. It is thought to be emotional to any culture.

It's undeniable that South American music must be immersed in our way of writing in some way, but our approach to music is very eclectic so sounds from the world are generally involved.

Jean-Christophe : You had scheduled a tour in Europe in march, and a few days before all the dates were cancelled, why ?

Germán : It was a decision taken along with our booking agent in Europe. The terrorist attacks in Belgium happened just days before our flight and we actually were going to arrive at that very airport in Brussels where the attacks took place. So basically because of all the border controls, the possibility of smaller audiences at the shows, and despite the fact that we really wanted to go, our Agent advised against it.

Jean-Christophe : Can we hope to see you soon in Europe ?

Germán : We will visit Europe this year in late October and early November. The good news is that there is a new album that we will be promoting now!!

Jean-Christophe : Where do most of your fans come from ? Chili, U.S.A., Europe ?

Germán : Mostly the UK and Europe, now I guess I have to make the distinction, and a large part come from the USA. Our audience is growing now in Japan and South America.

Jean-Christophe : What are your major musical influences ? And what is the last best album you’ve listen to ?

Germán : Personally my major influences were Yes, Rush, Genesis, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Pat Metheney Group, Pink Floyd, Queen.

The last best album I've heard this year is David Bowie's Blackstar.

Jean-Christophe : Finally, what are you plans for the next months?

Germán : We are rehearsing to play Hawaii live in its entirety, that's a great challenge, and we will immediately have to prepare for the show we will play in Europe, which will have a setlist made up from the best bits of our discography.

Jean-Christophe : Thanks a lot Germán and see the band in a few Month, maybe in France.

Rédigé par Jean-Christophe le 18/07/2016