Rédigé par Jean-Christophe le 10/09/2020
Versions Of The Truth; le nouvel album de The Pineapple Thief arrive dans quinze jours maintenant. Nous avons pu l'écouter mais comme nous ne chroniquons pas les promotions en streaming, vous ne lirez pas sa critique dans nos colonnes, comme nombre d'album de chez Kscope.
Pour vous consoler voici le clip de 'Driving Like Maniacs' dont Bruce parle plus bas :
“The song has a very specific meaning to me, from a very specific event in my life. But I always give George (Laycock), who produces and directs all of our videos, total control over how he wants to adapt it for the big screen. The main shoot was shot along a coastal road on the Dorset Jurassic coast, and I spent the sunset of an August evening driving up and down the coastal road in a car. It brought back vivid memories from my youth,”
“The song is about estrangement, but George managed to find his own take on it. About a father forced to abandon his child in order to save him, to care for him in absentia. Ultimately at least, there is light at the end of the dark tunnel.”