
Interview de Pervy Perkin EN le 17/09/2014
We did appreciate and review the first album of Pervy Perkin, Ink ( Carly Pajarón, drummer and singer, was kind answering to our questions.

Henri : Hola! Thank you very much for having time for this interview for Neoprog!

Carly Pajarón : Hi Togo and all the team of Neoprog, Thank you, it is an honour!

Carly Pajarón

Henri : How did it go about the creating of your debut album Ink and its release? How did the critics receive it?

Carly Pajarón : Well, this is our first time doing all the stuff. The main composition was the ‘’easiest’’ part, in July 2012 we compiled all the ideas we had and began composing songs, it was a very important period for us, all was kind of natural, it was smooth and an overwhelming experience for us. We recorded all instruments, except the drums, in a rehearsal local with almost no gear and we did it with total ignorance about almost everything. It has been a long tough journey for a bunch of teenagers at that time (I’m the last teenager nowadays), but now it’s done and we are very happy and grateful because our music is out there for everyone!

Henri : We really like the album despite its dispersed side. Was it a deliberate way of writing or just the result of too much ideas that you wanted to put on your album ?

Carly Pajarón : Absolutely yes! We really wanted to cover a lot of musical ground, just to open up our frontiers and musical doors. Everybody in this band enjoys a wide range of music and we wanted to represent all of our tastes.

Carly Pajarón

Henri : Isn’t it a little risky to release a double album with more than two hours of music for an opening release?

Carly Pajarón : Obviously it isn’t catchy for people, even prog listeners let’s say, it is very risky to show up more than 2 hours of music in our first shot but we never thought about that really. Maybe if we had separated INK in two parts it would have been more accessible for everyone. But we had the music, and we wanted to release all of it, cause’ now we are expanding our sound thanks to INK and our current position in life, we haven’t even scratched the surface of all we want to show, trust me, we have plans for many years!

Henri : One can feel many influences in your music. How does the composing process happen? Who is in the lead?

Carly Pajarón : We make the music we want to hear, we try to make things interesting, funny, dramatical, epic, everything that in our minds has a place in the music of Pervy Perkin, we just have to find the time and the musical context for all of that to occur, even making a 2 hours debut there are tons of things to do, you know, we are aiming to make the next one, we are crazy as hell, guys with hyperactivity, haha. We usually come with the music first, we jam around an idea someone brings, and everyone in the band works on that or adds his own ideas, etc. It is a constant development between all of us.

Carly Pajarón

Henri : You chose to release Ink, in addition to the CD version, under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA licence. With Neoprog, we appreciate these licences. Why this choice and how did that occur?

Carly Pajarón : Well, we wanted to register our music somehow, and we were lucky, because Rock CD (the company we chose to make our physical digipacks) made all those registrations for us and for free, such nice guys!

Henri : Your music would lend itself very well to the Spanish language. Why did you choose to sing in English? Also, in your line-up you have several singers. How do you choose who is going to sing certain parts or songs?

Carly Pajarón : Hmmm, I think that, despite our pronunciation, quite critized, haha (we’ll try to improve it), I don’t know, we all have grown up listening to English music, our favorite bands sing in English, we like the sound of it, and we are really comfortable writing lyrics that way, and of course it is more universal. We love Spanish language, it is beautiful, but we simply work in English, and now we have an English member so that will help us a lot! We enjoy music like Ayreon, Avantasia, Transatlantic, some bands that gives music a theatrical point of view and we have different colors in our voices that give music another twist, so, there you have it. We keep finding our voices and improving them.

Carly Pajarón

Henri : In addition, what about the Spanish progressive scene?

Carly Pajarón : It is a great scene! There is a lot of quality in the music of our country, the highest level of quality for sure. We have bands like Jardin de la Croix, Ipsilon, Cheeto’s Magazine, Obsidian Kingdom, Carving Colours, Dry River, Toundra and many more, and some of them are reaching serious goals! That is quite nice and good for us all and I think this is just the beginning, a whole catalogue of Spanish bands will appear…

Henri : You promoted Ink live by touring Spain. Can we expect to see you in France some time soon?

Carly Pajarón : We hope so, we hope to play in every wreckage of the world. And France will be one of the first places for sure!!!

Carly Pajarón

Henri : Well, while waiting to see you crossing the Pyrenees, thank you for this interview, and looking forward to your second album!

Carly Pajarón : Thank you again! A huge hug from Pervy Perkin to you Togo, and all the team of Neoprog, such a nice interview. Keep on proggin’!

Rédigé par Henri le 17/09/2014